i completely have been forgotten that i had this blog..because on daily basis i was only checking my two favorite blogs this one and this one.
and for all kind thoughts and ramblings i used small pieces of paper which were burnt afterwards :D because i honestly didn't want to rethink my thoughts and decisions. for tracking of workouts i started to use dailymile.com..it's really simple that way...and what's about kcal intake? well.it's not good...but i have cut out everything bad or what i call bad. what's left? veggies(all kinds and arts), chicken, dairy, latte machiatto(lots of it) and couscous, rice, pasta, bread. but u see no chocolate and "not clean" stuff. next step would be to get rid of the "couscous, rice, pasta, bread" part.
anyways today i logged into my old email account and saw a new comment:D and that's how i remembered my blog :D well i'm pretty sure i won't forget it to quickly now..(because of lots of free time and 0 friends(yet) in 1000 km radius...but i like it ..still i'm pretty sure after some month i will start to miss other people then only my ..but for now it's me, nature, workouts, running, lots of books and the biggest loser 12 seasons :D and well after last year, in which i felt like a shit all the time...always in the fight with family, stressed out in work and in studies and really unhappy because of not seeing what to do and achieve next...just really unhappy and sad. but now i feel better..i'm really happy(maybe u aren't allowed to say it loud?)i still haven't figure out what to do with my life,future and family..but i have still 11 month left. and i had never had time for myself..i always was really competitive in school, stressed out at home and that all ended up where it ended up..so i don't regret to drop my old life and try something new. and time will show.
P.s. ultimate inspiration : www.bodyrock.tv/