
September 10, 2012

and the whining starts again...

i love this song, maybe that's why today was a bit better..but seriously i mean..the leg still isn't good, but somehow i didn't had to much time to think about it..cause of the early shift..and i still got one cup of coffee, but it's half so bad, cause it's only first day of easy-in, but till friday i need to find strength to say no to the coffee, otherwise all that detox. will be a waste of time ..i mean i will loose some weight anyways, but if i'm doing something then i want to do my best. it's always been like that.."black" vs. "white" & no colors in between. tomorrow it's only fruits and veggies. i don't know why can i be that person i was some years ago. with aim and be able to restrict and go for a 10km run at 3am. and just live from cappuccinos & study the whole night through. i don't have left so much will power, it's not working(all those thispirations & promises ) i think i can't full myself so easily, cause i know i will give up eventually.
ok. i won't give up..just these last 5 days are so depressing, and i can't get away from these thoughts ( no running remember :( )
tomorrow everything will look better..

my room looked almost the same  :D



  1. I hope things improve soon! I had never heard the song before. Thanks for sharing. I will have to add this one to my Itunes collection.

  2. Oh huni.. I too feel like I wish I could be the person I want to be before, I used to exercise for hours and study all day living on diet coke.. But huni we can get back to that! We will succeed! All my love! Hoping you feel better and your leg feels better! <3 xx
