
October 6, 2011

fcuk it

275 kcal for sure and hell knows how much ~500 kcal
6, 4 km running
20 km bike

oh man, i'm so pissed off, why do i always screw it up?! don't answer, i know the answer already to good myself. i was doing so good. i had grapes( 125 kcal) and 2 coffee lattes. i manage through the working day, i went to my grandma birthday party..and i knew i'll need to eat and i had only salad with cheese(like one serving) and i didn't feel bad about it TILL i came home and went for 6, 4 km run. i felt too full, like i had a ball in my stomach, so gross, so i took lax. again and know i have a lil bit time for them kick i have time to post. I'm thinking about why i freaked out, because now i think it was unnecessary. it can be the fact i couldn't know for sure how much did i eat, because..well i couldn't take my weights out could i. and i freak out,but lax. calmed me down again. MISERABLY. good thing - tomorrow will be easy. with that amount i will be unable to eat tomorrow as well ( if only i don't want to sit all the working time in the bathroom..haha). so no water as well. this day proved it eating outside whatsoever!
  other things then eating: because it's still place for my ramblings first place although i have 5 followers( Hi to you there!!) now. I told my mom i'll be leaving  my country for a year. i'll be living in italy, working there and learning italian language( i know it already a lil bit).so me and my mom won't be seeing each other for a long time. as much i love=hate my mom i need to start my own life(AGAIN)..and far away from her. because she is one of the reasons (not the only one)  i am like this. but that's a long story and thinking about the past time..only thinking about it..makes me mad. but one thing i will be missing..actually 2 things..they are my 2 dogs. one i took from an animal shelter as a little puppy. i hope they won't forget me( i was 6 month away before..and they were ok with that.) Fingers crossed^^
ok this girl has an appointment with her bathroom.

how can someone not love dogs?!!!!..these aren't mine, but also lovely!



  1. don't even worry about it, that's a good day and great job!

  2. Sometimes getting away from family is the best thing. You can always communicate with each other whilst living apart. x
