
September 9, 2012

sunday...i'm freeee

this week has been so crazy & stressful & i have been crying like crazy and since i'm here, i haven't cried almost at all..ok at least not so much. and all of this is because i could go for run (who am i kidding here), i couldn't walk without screaming. i got a bunch of injection IN THE ASS ( a new experience as well :D). today is the first day i can walk normally. and all this started just because of a little strain, which wasn't enough for not going to the work and being all day up on feet, so the nerve in the hip joint went crazy. But well i'm glad it's over (i cross my fingers). i can't run for a week (min :() it makes me sooo angry. anyways, with all job/injury & i'm big drama queen shit i postponed the master cleanse, but i'll start tomorrow: first 4 days are easy in and 5-15. day is the master cleanse & then 4 days are easy out. it's also good so, cause at the beginning of october i'm going to milan & i can't possible imagine to be there and not to drink coffee. But milan is also a good extra motivation.

some pictures of what i have been eating now:

writing this post i got really excited about starting the Master cleanse, cause if i can't's the ultimate option right now: to focus & to not get depressed.

i'm enjoying a lots of coffee today, cause next 19/20 days  just herbal tea..



  1. Oh huni! I hope you are feeling better <3 Injections in the ass?? that sounds like a painful experience :\ Poor you - ooh master cleanse? what does the 1st 5 days consist of.. haha I would so be getting my caffeine fix too if I couldnt have it for so many days! Lots of love and thank you for commenting <3 x

    1. :D i'm not sure if that's called "injections in the ass", maybe in the booty? english isn't my mother language (probably you figured it already out :D) Master cleanse is something i found because of It's some sort of juice fast: for ten days just lemonade made with maple syrup and cayenne pepper & laxative tea.
      Your very welcome ;)
